Huntington Camera Club Membership Application
First Name
Last Name
Zip CodeEmail Address
Home PhoneCell Phone
Note: Your username is the combination of your first initial and last name and cannot be changed !!
Please make checks payable to:Huntington Camera Club
P.O. Box 183
Huntington Station, NY 11746
Type Of Membership:
Individual ($75.00)Student ($20.00)Family ($120.00)Senior: 62 & Over ($60.00)
Renew MembershipNew MemberIf a new member, were you a member of another club or feel your experience warrants competing in class "A" or "M" ?
How many years have you been involved in photography?
Please estimate your level of experience :BeginnerIntermediateExperienced
What medium do you work in? (Check all that apply) :B & W PrintsColor PrintsProjected Images
I would like to see the club offer programs on the following topics:
Is there any photography related program that you could present to the club?YesNo
If so, what topic?
How did you hear about the Huntington Camera Club ?:
FriendFriend's Name :
Please Specify :
Other ( Please Specify )
Lab, Camera Store, Library
General Information:
Would you like to serve on any committees ( Check all that apply ) ?
Club Projects :Competitions :High School Competition :Programs :
Often, there are openings for positions on the club's board.
Would you lbe interested in serving on the board?
YesNoMaybe (Contact Me)